Why Conciliation Forum
1. Since the promoter also consents to the conciliation application
a) there are greater chances of expeditious resolution of the matter.
b) It is expected that the promoter will readily abide by the settlement at the conciliation forum since he has consented to the settlement.
2. The applicant will not have to undergo the long process of execution proceedings.
3. The parties will not have to spend on such items like the fee of the advocate etc.
4. The forum also aims at obviating the long run process of litigation for resolution of disputes.
5. Even if the conciliation proceedings fail, the applicant will be allowed to file complaint under Section 31 of the RERA Act against the fee deposited for conciliation.
6. The conciliation isfacilitated by the both the nominees of the buyer's and promoter's association and by highly experienced and knowledgeableconciliation consultant of UP RERA.